플랜트 사업
Plant Division
촉매교체, 해저배관 보수작업, 배관작업, 열교환기 제작&설치
당사의 특화된 기술로는 중질유 공장의 촉매 교체공사, 해저배관보수공사, Heavy Wall 배관공사, 압력용기 및 열교환기 제작 및 보수공사 등이며, 국내시장 뿐만 아니라 중동, 대만, 인도네시아, 캐나다, 미국등 해외시장으로도 사업영역을 확대해 나가고 있습니다.
UBEC Inc. is highly recognized domestically and internationally for our performance in catalyst replacement, shut-down maintenance, submarine piping, heavy wall piping many other related maintenance works. Our works have expanded into Taiwan, Indonesia, Middle Asia, Middle East, Canada, and the U.S.A.
Plant Fabrication | 플랜트 제작 |
Plant Construction | 플랜트 건설 |
Plant Maintenance | 플랜트 유지관리 |
플랜트 제작
Plant Fabrication
- Heat Exchanger (Condenser)
- Heat Exchanger (Recuperator)
- Heat Exchanger (Vaporizer)
- Waste Heat Recovery System (WHOH)
플랜트 건설
Plant Construction
- U/G Piping Work
- Equipment Installation
- Sub Sea Tunnel Work
- Ball Tank Work
- CRT & FRT Work
- Nuclear Power Plant Work
- Building Structure Work
- Equipment Installation
- Pipe Rack Work
- Flare Stack Work
플랜트 유지관리
Plant Maintenance
- Submarine Pipe Pigging Work
- Submarine Pipe Inspection
- Submarine Pipe Repair Work
- Buoy & Hose Repair Work
- Exchanger Maintenance Work
- Tower & Drum Maintenance Work
- Piping Maintenance Work
- Reactor Maintenance Work
- Others Maintenance Work
General Maintenance (Normal) _일반정비작업 (노말작업) - 유지, 보수작업
New Project _신설프로젝트
Regular Maintenance Wokr (Shutdown) _정기보수작업
일반기타작업 - General Order Work
배관설치작업 - General Order Work
열교환기 유지보수작업 - Maintenance work of heat exchanger
촉매교체작업 - Catalyst replacement operation
Tower/Drum 유지보수작업 - Tower/Drum Maintenance
철골 설치작업 - Steel Installantion Operation
Tank 유지보수작업 - Tank Maintenance
Heater 유지보수작업 - Heater Maintenancd